Monday, October 15, 2007

Draft: ”The street children of Bangladesh”

Jeg lavede dette udkast til dokumentarfilmen og udleverede det til de forskellige personer som blev inviteret til at medvirke i dokumentarfilmen. Nu er filmen allerede blevet lavet (jubii...jeg er lettet - dog mangler vi de danske undertekster som laves hjemme i Danmark).
Det var rart at have lidt struktur at holde sig til - om ikke andet til mig selv da jeg havde nok at se til og huske.

Main focus

This documentary aims to look into the causes of street children, as well as their lives in the streets and how organizations like PCAR try to work towards the betterment of street children’s livelihood conditions. The documentary also aims at looking at the strength and challenges facing organizations working with street children and to pose sustainable solutions in order to prevent (reduce) the amount of street children.

Time: Total filming time for the final documentary: Around 30 minutes
Language: English with Bangla and Danish subtitles

Filming sequences:
1) Introduction - how many street children are there presently in Bangladesh and the estimations for the future – followed by brief description of common causes, problem complexities etc. of street children
Time: Max 1 minute filming
Place: Preferably in some relevant area where street children live (but where I can also speak (i.e. not too much noise from traffic)
Who: I will speak in English (preferably with Bangla/ danish subtitles edited later and give this brief introduction)

2) Street children’s lives - Visit different areas where the street children commonly are found (fx some place in/ near the street). Focus on their activities, different jobs. If possible, also get filming shot of the places where they commonly stay overnight (fx. near the bus-train-stations, markets, harbour terminal)
Time: Max 5 minutes filming
Place: Kawraan Bazar, Sadarghat launch terminal, Gulshan Avenue

3) Focus on PCAR (Unicef) – through which approaches and activities do they work towards the improvement of street children’s living conditions (focus on 2-3 persons (preferably including Mr Iqbal, Ms Ishrat Sultana, Ms Farsana and their dialogues and me asking a few relevant questions and them answering and talking about the questions)
Time: Max 3-4 minutes filming
Place: PCAR office near the Ministry of Social Welfare

4) Visit the Drop in Center (DIC) in Dhaka - (one for girls, one for boys) and see the facilities, interview the leader and other key personnel about the facilities at the DIC.
Time: Max 3-4 minutes
Place: The girls drop in center (DIC) near mills and the boys drop in center at PSTC’s Golapbag

5) Focus on the children at the DIC - ask them the questions (already asked): what makes them happy to think about, what makes them perhaps angry or sad to think about, why are they at the centers, what are their wishes for the future….)
Time: Max 5 minutes
Place: The girls drop in center (DIC) near mills and the boys drop in center at PSTC’s Golapbag

6) Evaluation – the future of street children and viable solutions: Focus on the DIC leaders and personnel and what they see as key strengths and challenges when working with street children as they do with the PCAR project and the DIC.
7) Similarly, ask key personnel at PCAR, (preferably including Director Mr Iqbal, Ms Ishrat Sultana, Mr. Shahid, Ms Farsana) what they see as key strengths and challenges in working with street children and through the PCAR project.
8) Finish the conversation by addressing some sustainable solutions to the improvements on the case of street children (for example the focus on prevention, community-awareness and the acceptance of street children).
Time: Max 3-4 minutes
Place: Drop in centers and PCAR office.

9) The end – sunset/ late afternoon filming (soft light)
Get filming sequences of the street children in the streets and their activities (selling of cigarettes/ betel leaf, scavenger/garbage collector, coolie/ minti…) and/or get their skilled dance- and singing performances as performed in the drop-in-centers
Time: Max 1 minute
Place: girls- and boys drop-in-centers

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